World of Rigid Bodies (WoRB)
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00001 #ifndef _MEX_WORB_H_INCLUDED
00002 #define _MEX_WORB_H_INCLUDED
00004 /**
00005  *  @file      mexWoRB.h
00006  *  @brief     Definitions for `Matrix`, `Scalar`, `Logical` and `String` classes
00007  *             which simplify access to MATLAB array objects.
00008  *  @author    Mikica Kocic
00009  *  @version   0.3
00010  *  @date      2012-05-14
00011  *  @copyright GNU Public License.
00012  */
00014 #include "mex.h"
00016 namespace Mex
00017 {
00018     /** Represents a simple matrix class that keeps components in a column-major order.
00019      */
00020     class Matrix
00021     {
00022         /** Holds the number of rows in matrix.
00023          */
00024         mwIndex NRows;
00026         /** Holds the number of columns in matrix.
00027          */
00028         mwIndex NCols;
00030         /** Holds the matrix data in column-major order.
00031          */
00032         double* Data;
00034         /** Initializes the matrix to refer to the given MATLAB array.
00035          * This method *does not* copy data from the given MATLAB array.
00036          */
00037         void Initialize( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc )
00038         {
00039             if ( arg == NULL ) {
00040                 return;
00041             }
00043             // We expect a scalar, vector or a matrix of real numbers.
00044             //
00045             int ndim = mxGetNumberOfDimensions( arg );
00046             if ( ! mxIsDouble( arg ) || mxIsComplex( arg ) || ndim > 2 )
00047             {
00048                 WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:invarg",
00049                     "'%s' must be a scalar, vector or a matrix of real numbers.", 
00050                     argDesc
00051                 );
00052             }
00054             // Get the matrix dimensions and the first element of the real data
00055             const mwSize* dims = mxGetDimensions( arg );
00056             NRows = ndim >= 1 ? dims[0] : 1;
00057             NCols = ndim >= 2 ? dims[1] : 1;
00058             Data  = mxGetPr( arg );
00059         }
00061     public:
00063         /** Creates an uninitialized matrix allocated using `mxAlloc`.
00064          */
00065         Matrix( mwIndex rowCount, mwIndex columnCount )
00066             : NRows( rowCount )
00067             , NCols( columnCount )
00068             , Data( NULL )
00069         {
00070             Data = (double*)mxMalloc( MemorySize () ); 
00071         }
00073         /** Constructs the matrix from a `mexFunction` argument given by the argument number.
00074          */
00075         Matrix( int nArgIn, const mxArray* argIn[], int argNo, const char* argDesc )
00076             : NRows( 0 )
00077             , NCols( 0 )
00078             , Data( NULL )
00079         {
00080             if ( argNo < nArgIn ) {
00081                 Initialize( argIn[ argNo ], argDesc );
00082             }
00083         }
00085         /** Constructs the matrix from MATLAB variable from the specified workspace.
00086          */
00087         Matrix( const char* varName, const char* workspace = "caller" )
00088         {
00089             Initialize( mexGetVariable( workspace, varName ), varName );
00090         }
00092         /** Constructs the matrix from the given MATLAB structure field.
00093          */
00094         Matrix( const mxArray* obj, mwIndex index, const char* fieldName )
00095         {
00096             Initialize( mxGetField( obj, index, fieldName ), fieldName );
00097         }
00099         /** Destructor. Does nothing.
00100          * MATLAB automatically frees all data allocated by `mxMalloc`.
00101          */
00102         ~Matrix ()
00103         {
00104         }
00106         /** Converts an instance to a MATLAB double matrix (allocated on MATLAB heap)
00107          */
00108         operator mxArray* ()
00109         {
00110             // Note: The array creation with mxCreateDoubleMatrix initializes
00111             // the array memory by filling it with zeros. The following code avoids
00112             // this unnecessary initialization.
00114             // Create an uninitialized empty array
00115             mxArray* result = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( 0, 0, mxREAL );
00117             // Set dimensions (note that either of NRows/NCols may be 0)
00118             mxSetM( result, NRows );  // Set M = row count
00119             mxSetN( result, NCols );  // Set N = column count
00121             if ( NRows && NCols ) {
00122                 mxSetData( result, Data ); // Set mxArray data to point to output
00123             }
00125             return result;
00126         }
00128         /** Returns true if the instance is an empty array.
00129          */
00130         bool IsEmpty () const
00131         {
00132             return NRows * NCols == 0;
00133         }
00135         /** Returns true if the instance is a scalar (1x1 matrix).
00136          */
00137         bool IsScalar () const
00138         {
00139             return NRows == 1 && NCols == 1;
00140         }
00142         /** Returns true if the instance is a vector (1xM or Nx1 matrix) or a scalar
00143          */
00144         bool IsVector () const
00145         {
00146             return ( NRows == 1 && NCols > 0 ) || ( NCols == 1 && NRows > 0 );
00147         }
00149         /** Returns true if the instance is a row vector (1xM matrix).
00150          */
00151         bool IsRowVector () const
00152         {
00153             return NRows == 1 && NCols > 0;
00154         }
00156         /** Returns true if the instance is a column vector (Nx1 matrix).
00157          */
00158         bool IsColumnVector () const
00159         {
00160             return NCols == 1 && NRows > 0;
00161         }
00163         /** Returns true if the instance is non-empty matrix that is not a vector.
00164          */
00165         bool IsFullMatrix () const
00166         {
00167             return NCols > 1 && NRows > 1;
00168         }
00170         /** Checks the sizes of each dimension of the matrix.
00171          */
00172         bool IsSize( mwIndex M, mwIndex N ) const
00173         {
00174             return M == NRows && N == NCols;
00175         }
00177         /** Returns true if the specified index points to a valid row.
00178          */
00179         bool IsValidRow( mwIndex r ) const
00180         {
00181             return 0 <= r && r < NRows;
00182         }
00184         /** Returns true if the specified index points to a valid column.
00185          */
00186         bool IsValidColumn( mwIndex c ) const
00187         {
00188             return 0 <= c && c < NCols;
00189         }
00191         /** Returns the length of the (linear) array of the matrix.
00192          */
00193         mwIndex Length () const
00194         {
00195             return NRows * NCols;
00196         }
00198         /** Gets the number of rows in the matrix.
00199          */
00200         mwIndex GetM () const
00201         {
00202             return NRows;
00203         }
00205         /** Gets the number of columns in the matrix.
00206          */
00207         mwIndex GetN () const
00208         {
00209             return NCols;
00210         }
00212         /** Gets the memory size (in bytes) occupied by array.
00213          */
00214         mwSize MemorySize () const
00215         {
00216             return NRows * NCols * sizeof( double );
00217         }
00219         /** Verifies sizes of each matrix dimension.
00220          * Reports severe error if dimensions do not agree.
00221          */
00222         void VerifyDims( mwIndex M, mwIndex N, const char* error_message ) const
00223         {
00224             if ( IsSize( M, N ) || ( Length () == 0 && M * N == 0 ) ) {
00225                 return; // OK
00226             }
00228             WoRB::SevereError( 
00229                 "Matrix:VerifyDims:invsize",
00230                 "%s; Required dimensions [ %d × %d ] have only [ %d × %d ]", 
00231                 error_message, M, N, NRows, NCols
00232             ); 
00233         }
00235         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00237         /** Returns matrix element given by the linear index.
00238          */
00239         double& operator ()( mwIndex ix )
00240         {
00241             if ( ix < 0 || ix >= Length () ) {
00242                 WoRB::SevereError( 
00243                     "Matrix:elem:invdim",
00244                     "Linear index %d outside dimensions [ %d × %d ]", ix, NRows, NCols
00245                 ); 
00246             }
00248             return Data[ ix ];
00249         }
00251         /** Returns matrix element given by the linear index.
00252          */
00253         const double& operator ()( mwIndex ix ) const
00254         {
00255             if ( ix < 0 || ix >= Length () ) {
00256                 WoRB::SevereError( 
00257                     "Matrix:elem:invdim",
00258                     "Linear index %d outside dimensions [ %d × %d ]", ix, NRows, NCols
00259                 ); 
00260             }
00262             return Data[ ix ];
00263         }
00265         /** Returns matrix element given by row and column index.
00266          */
00267         double& operator ()( mwIndex r, mwIndex c )
00268         {
00269             mwIndex ix = r + c * NRows;
00270             if ( ix < 0 || ix >= Length () ) {
00271                 WoRB::SevereError( 
00272                     "Matrix:elem:invdim",
00273                     "Index (%d,%d) outside dimensions [ %d × %d ]", r, c, NRows, NCols
00274                 ); 
00275             }
00277             return Data[ ix ];
00278         }
00280         /** Returns matrix element given by row and column index.
00281          */
00282         const double& operator ()( mwIndex r, mwIndex c ) const
00283         {
00284             mwIndex ix = r + c * NRows;
00285             if ( ix < 0 || ix >= Length () ) {
00286                 WoRB::SevereError( 
00287                     "Matrix:elem:invdim",
00288                     "Index (%d,%d) outside dimensions [ %d × %d ]", r, c, NRows, NCols
00289                 ); 
00290             }
00292             return Data[ ix ];
00293         }
00294     };
00296     /** Represents a MATLAB scalar double value.
00297      */
00298     class Scalar
00299     {
00300         double value;
00302         /** Initializes the instance from a MATLAB array of doubles.
00303          */
00304         void Initialize( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc, bool defaultValue = false )
00305         {
00306             if ( arg == NULL ) {
00307                 value = defaultValue;
00308                 return;
00309             }
00311             // Parse value from different argument types
00312             // int ndim = mxGetNumberOfDimensions( arg );
00313             mwSize len = mxGetNumberOfElements( arg );
00315             if ( mxIsDouble( arg ) && ! mxIsComplex( arg ) && len >= 1 )
00316             {
00317                 double* data = mxGetPr( arg );
00318                 value = data != NULL ? data[0] : 0.0;
00319                 return;
00320             }
00322             // If we couldn't parse real value, return an error
00323             WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:parseDouble:invarg",
00324                 "'%s' must be a real number.", 
00325                 argDesc
00326             );
00327         }
00329     public:
00331         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB array of doubles.
00332          */
00333         Scalar( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc )
00334         {
00335             Initialize( arg, argDesc );
00336         }
00338         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB structure field.
00339          */
00340         Scalar( const mxArray* obj, mwIndex index, const char* fieldName )
00341         {
00342             Initialize( mxGetField( obj, index, fieldName ), fieldName );
00343         }
00345         operator double () const
00346         {
00347             return value;
00348         }
00350         operator int () const
00351         {
00352             return int( value );
00353         }
00355         operator unsigned () const
00356         {
00357             return unsigned( value );
00358         }
00360         operator double& ()
00361         {
00362             return value;
00363         }
00365         /** Converts the instance to MATLAB real scalar.
00366          */
00367         mxArray* toMxArray()
00368         {
00369             return mxCreateDoubleScalar( value );
00370         }
00371     };
00373     /** Represents a MATLAB logical value.
00374      */
00375     class Logical
00376     {
00377         bool value;
00379         /** Initializes the instance from a MATLAB array of doubles.
00380          */
00381         void Initialize( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc, bool defaultValue )
00382         {
00383             if ( arg == NULL ) {
00384                 value = defaultValue;
00385                 return;
00386             }
00388             // Parse value from different argument types
00389             // int ndim = mxGetNumberOfDimensions( arg );
00390             mwSize len = mxGetNumberOfElements( arg );
00392             if ( mxIsLogicalScalar( arg ) && len >= 1 ) 
00393             {
00394                 value = mxGetLogicals( arg )[0];
00395                 return;
00396             }
00397             else if ( mxIsDouble( arg ) && ! mxIsComplex( arg ) && len >= 1 )
00398             {
00399                 double* data = mxGetPr( arg );
00400                 value = data != NULL && data[0] != 0;
00401                 return;
00402             }
00404             // If we couldn't parse logical value, return an error
00405             WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:parseLogical:invarg",
00406                 "'%s' must be a logical value or a real number.", 
00407                 argDesc
00408             );
00409         }
00411     public:
00413         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB array of doubles.
00414          */
00415         Logical( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc, bool defaultValue = false )
00416         {
00417             Initialize( arg, argDesc, defaultValue );
00418         }
00420         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB structure field.
00421          */
00422         Logical( const mxArray* obj, mwIndex index, const char* fieldName,
00423             bool defaultValue = false )
00424         {
00425             Initialize( mxGetField( obj, index, fieldName ), fieldName, defaultValue );
00426         }
00428         bool operator ! () const
00429         {
00430             return !value;
00431         }
00433         operator bool () const
00434         {
00435             return value;
00436         }
00438         /** Converts the instance to MATLAB logical scalar.
00439          */
00440         mxArray* toMxArray()
00441         {
00442             return mxCreateLogicalScalar( value );
00443         }
00445         /** Sets the new value.
00446          */
00447         Logical& operator = ( bool v )
00448         {
00449             value = v;
00450             return* this;
00451         }
00452     };
00454     /** Represents a MATLAB character string value.
00455      */
00456     class String
00457     {
00458         char* value;
00460         /** Initializes the instance from a MATLAB `mxArray`.
00461          */
00462         void Initialize( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc )
00463         {
00464             if ( arg == NULL || ! mxIsChar( arg ) ) {
00465                 // If we couldn't parse character string, return an error
00466                 WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:parseString:invarg",
00467                     "'%s' must be a character array.", 
00468                     argDesc
00469                 );
00470             }
00472             mwSize len = mxGetNumberOfElements( arg );
00473             value = (char*)mxMalloc( len + 1 );
00474             mxGetString( arg, value, len + 1 );
00475         }
00477     public:
00479         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB character array.
00480          */
00481         String( const mxArray* arg, const char* argDesc )
00482         {
00483             Initialize( arg, argDesc );
00484         }
00486         /** Constructs the instance from the given MATLAB structure field.
00487          */
00488         String( const mxArray* obj, mwIndex index, const char* fieldName )
00489         {
00490             Initialize( mxGetField( obj, index, fieldName ), fieldName );
00491         }
00493         /** Destructor. Does nothing.
00494          * MATLAB automatically frees all data allocated by `mxMalloc`.
00495          */
00496         ~String ()
00497         {
00498         }
00500         /** Gets pointer to internal character string.
00501          */
00502         operator const char* () const
00503         {
00504             return value;
00505         }
00507         /** Converts the instance to MATLAB string.
00508          */
00509         mxArray* toMxArray()
00510         {
00511             return mxCreateString( value );
00512         }
00514         /** Returns true if this instance has the same contents as the given string.
00515          */
00516         bool operator == ( const char* v )
00517         {
00518             for ( const char* p = value; *p && *v; ++p, ++v ) {
00519                 if ( *p != *v ) {
00520                     return false;
00521                 }
00522             }
00523             return true;
00524         }
00526         /** Returns true if this instance does not have the same contents as the given string.
00527          */
00528         bool operator != ( const char* v )
00529         {
00530             return ! operator ==( v );
00531         }
00532     };
00534 } // namespace Mex
00536 #endif // _MEX_WORB_H_INCLUDED