World of Rigid Bodies (WoRB)
WoRB::Ball | Encapsulates a rigid body with geometry of a sphere |
WoRB::Box | Encapsulates a rigid body with geometry of a rectangular parallelepiped |
WoRB::Collision | Encalpsulates a collision event between two bodies; contains contact details |
WoRB::CollisionResolver | Encapsulates collision response framework |
WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::Colorf | Represents a color defined red, green, blue and alpha channels |
WoRB::QTensor::Components | Represents tensor components in a column-major order |
WoRB::Const | Physical and mathematical constants |
WoRB::Cuboid | Encapsulates a cuboid (rectangular parallelepiped) |
WoRB::Geometry | Represents a geometry used to detect collisions against |
WoRB::GLOrthoScreen | Establishes temporarily orthogonal projection in screen coordinates |
WoRB::GLTransform | Establishes temporarily a GL transform from body-fixed into world frame |
WoRB::GLUT_Framework< GlutApplication > | GLUT wrapper around a single instance of a GlutApplication template class |
WoRB::GLUT_Renderer | Interface for a GLUT-rendered rigid body |
WoRB::HalfSpace | Represents a half-space defined by a plane where the normal of the plane points out of the half-space |
Mex::Logical | Represents a MATLAB logical value |
Mex::Matrix | Represents a simple matrix class that keeps components in a column-major order |
WoRB::QTensor | Encapsulates a quaternionic tensor (q-tensor) as a 4x4 row-major matrix |
WoRB::Quaternion | Encapsulates Hamilton real quaternions |
WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions >::RigidBodies | Represents a rigid body iterator for the WorldOfRigidBodies class |
WoRB::RigidBody | Encapsulates a rigid body |
Mex::Scalar | Represents a MATLAB scalar double value |
WoRB::SpatialVector | Encapsulates a spatial vector |
WoRB::Sphere | Encapsulates a sphere |
Mex::String | Represents a MATLAB character string value |
WoRB_TestBed::TrajectoryItem | Represents trajectory snapshot item (position and orientation of the rigid body) |
WoRB::TruePlane | Represents a true plane |
WoRB_MexFunction | Represents WoRB test-bed that can be initialized from mexFunction arguments |
WoRB_TestBed | Encapsulates a rigid body test-bed application |
WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions > | Encapsulates a system of rigid bodies |