World of Rigid Bodies (WoRB)
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WoRB_MexFunction Class Reference

Represents WoRB test-bed that can be initialized from mexFunction arguments. More...

Inheritance diagram for WoRB_MexFunction:
Collaboration diagram for WoRB_MexFunction:

Public Member Functions

 WoRB_MexFunction ()
 Default constructor.
void Parse (int nArgIn, const mxArray *argIn[])
 Initializes parameters and creates bodies from mexFunction arguments.
mxArray * GetResult ()
 Gets the result matrix.
void CreateResultMatrix ()
 Creates the result matrix.
virtual void OnProcessData ()
 Saves simulated data to be returned to MATLAB as the result.

Private Attributes

Mex::Matrix Result
 Holds the results returned to MATLAB.

Detailed Description

Represents WoRB test-bed that can be initialized from mexFunction arguments.

Definition at line 22 of file mexFunction.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Creates an empty result matrix.

Definition at line 32 of file mexFunction.cpp.

        : Result( 0, 0 )

Member Function Documentation

Creates the result matrix.

Definition at line 245 of file mexFunction.cpp.

References WoRB_TestBed::FinalTime, Mex::Matrix::GetM(), Mex::Matrix::GetN(), WoRB::Printf(), Result, and WoRB_TestBed::TimeStep.

Referenced by mexFunction().

        // Ensure to have have a finite number of recorded time-steps
        if ( FinalTime == 0 ) {

        unsigned n_steps = unsigned( FinalTime / TimeStep ) + 1;
        Result = Mex::Matrix( n_steps, 11 );

        // Set 'time' column to NaN (indicating row do not have valid data yet).
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < n_steps; ++i ) {
            Result( i, 0 ) = mxGetNaN ();

        WoRB::Printf( "WoRB: Created matrix for results [ %d × %d ]\n", 
            Result.GetM (), Result.GetN () );
mxArray* WoRB_MexFunction::GetResult ( ) [inline]

Gets the result matrix.

Definition at line 238 of file mexFunction.cpp.

References Result.

Referenced by mexFunction().

        return Result;
virtual void WoRB_MexFunction::OnProcessData ( ) [inline, virtual]
void WoRB_MexFunction::Parse ( int  nArgIn,
const mxArray *  argIn[] 
) [inline]

Initializes parameters and creates bodies from mexFunction arguments.

The first mex function argument should be a structure with fields as sys params. The second mex function argument should be a structure array with body parameters.

Definition at line 41 of file mexFunction.cpp.

References WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::ActiveColor, WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions >::Add(), WoRB_TestBed::AutoPause, WoRB_TestBed::CameraAngle, WoRB_TestBed::CameraElevation, WoRB_TestBed::CameraLookAt, WoRB_TestBed::CameraZoom, WoRB_TestBed::ClearTestBed(), WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions >::Collisions, WoRB::RigidBody::Deactivate(), WoRB_TestBed::Dump(), WoRB_TestBed::FinalTime, WoRB_TestBed::FollowObject, WoRB::CollisionResolver::Friction, WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::GetBody(), WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::GetGeometry(), WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions >::Gravity, WoRB_TestBed::GridTickLength, WoRB_TestBed::GridTicks, WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::InactiveColor, WoRB_TestBed::Initialize(), WoRB::WorldOfRigidBodies< MaxObjects, MaxCollisions >::InitializeODE(), WoRB_TestBed::IsInitialized, WoRB_TestBed::IsPaused, WoRB_TestBed::IsRunning, Mex::Matrix::IsSize(), WoRB_TestBed::Objects, WoRB::Printf(), WoRB::CollisionResolver::Relaxation, WoRB::CollisionResolver::Restitution, Result, WoRB::RigidBody::SetCanBeDeactivated(), WoRB::SevereError(), WoRB_TestBed::ShowBodyAxes, WoRB_TestBed::ShowContacts, WoRB_TestBed::ShowFloorMirror, WoRB_TestBed::ShowHelp, WoRB_TestBed::ShowStateVariables, WoRB_TestBed::ShowTrajectories, WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::ShowTrajectory, WoRB_TestBed::TestSuite, WoRB_TestBed::TimeStep, WoRB_TestBed::TimeStepsPerFrame, WoRB_TestBed::TimeStepsPerSnapshot, Mex::Matrix::VerifyDims(), WoRB_TestBed::WindowTitle, WoRB_TestBed::Wireframe, and WoRB_TestBed::worb.

Referenced by mexFunction().

        if ( nArgIn >= 1 && ! mxIsStruct( argIn[0] ) ) {
            WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:Init:invarg",
                "The first argument must be a structure with system parameters." );

        if ( nArgIn >= 2 && ! mxIsStruct( argIn[1] ) ) {
            WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:Init:invarg", 
                "The second argument must be a structure array of body parameters." );

        // Clear objects from previous simulations and make default parameters.
        Result = Mex::Matrix( 0, 0 );  // Clear earlier results
        Initialize ();                 // Initialize default parameters
        ClearTestBed ();               // Clear existing simulation, if any.

        // Parse params structure
        bool dumpInitialState = false;

        if ( nArgIn >= 1 )  
            const mxArray* params = argIn[0];

            WindowTitle = Mex::String( params, 0, "Title" );

            TestSuite            = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "TestSuite"          );
            IsInitialized        = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "IsInitialized"      );
            IsRunning            = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "IsRunning"          );
            IsPaused             = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "IsPaused"           );
            AutoPause            = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "AutoPause"          );
            Wireframe            = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "Wireframe"          );
            ShowBodyAxes         = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowBodyAxes"       );
            ShowFloorMirror      = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowFloorMirror"    );
            ShowContacts         = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowContacts"       );
            ShowTrajectories     = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowTrajectories"   );
            ShowStateVariables   = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowStateVariables" );
            ShowHelp             = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "ShowHelp"           );
            dumpInitialState     = Mex::Logical( params, 0, "DumpInitialState"   );

            GridTickLength = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "GridTickLength" );
            GridTicks      = int( Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "GridTicks" ) );

            TimeStep             = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "TimeStep" );
            TimeStepsPerFrame    = unsigned( Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "TimeStepsPerFrame" ) );
            TimeStepsPerSnapshot = unsigned( Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "TimeStepsPerSnapshot" ) );

            CameraAngle      = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "CameraAngle"     );
            CameraElevation  = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "CameraElevation" );
            CameraZoom       = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "CameraZoom"      );

            Mex::Matrix lookAt( params, 0, "CameraLookAt" );
            lookAt.VerifyDims( 1, 3, "CameraLookAt must be a spatial vector" );
            CameraLookAt = WoRB::SpatialVector( lookAt(0), lookAt(1), lookAt(2) );

            FollowObject = unsigned( Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "FollowObject" ) );
            FinalTime    = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "FinalTime" );

            worb.Collisions.Restitution = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "Restitution" );
            worb.Collisions.Relaxation  = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "Relaxation"  );
            worb.Collisions.Friction    = Mex::Scalar( params, 0, "Friction"    );

            Mex::Matrix G( params, 0, "Gravity" );
            G.VerifyDims( 1, 3, "Gravity must be a spatial vector" );
            worb.Gravity = WoRB::SpatialVector( G(0), G(1), G(2) );

        // Parse bodies array structure
        if ( nArgIn >= 2 )
            const mxArray* body = argIn[1];
            unsigned bodyCount = unsigned( mxGetNumberOfElements( body ) );

            for ( unsigned i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i )
                Mex::String geometry( body, i, "Geometry" ); // Geometry class
                Mex::Matrix R( body, i, "HalfExtent" ); // Radius or half-extent
                Mex::Matrix M( body, i, "M" ); // Body mass
                Mex::Matrix X( body, i, "X" ); // Position
                Mex::Matrix Q( body, i, "Q" ); // Oritentation
                Mex::Matrix V( body, i, "V" ); // Velocity
                Mex::Matrix W( body, i, "W" ); // Angular velocity

                Mex::Logical showTrajectory   ( body, i, "ShowTrajectory",   true  );
                Mex::Logical isActive         ( body, i, "CanBeDeactivated", true  );
                Mex::Logical canBeDeactivated ( body, i, "CanBeDeactivated", false );

                Mex::Matrix cActive  ( body, i, "ActiveColor"   ); // Active color
                Mex::Matrix cInactive( body, i, "InactiveColor" ); // Inactive color

                // Verify dimensions of body parameters
                M.VerifyDims( 1, 1, "Mass must be a scalar" );
                X.VerifyDims( 1, 3, "Position must be a spatial vector" );
                Q.VerifyDims( 1, 4, "Orientation must be a quaternion" );
                V.VerifyDims( 1, 3, "Velocity must be a spatial vector" );
                W.VerifyDims( 1, 3, "Angular velocity must be a spatial vector" );

                // Create rigid bodies with geometries given by parameters
                WoRB::GLUT_Renderer* obj = NULL;

                if ( geometry == "cuboid" )
                    R.VerifyDims( 1, 3,
                        "Half-extent of a cuboid must be a spatial vector" );

                    obj = new WoRB::Box(
                        /* position      */ WoRB::SpatialVector( X(0), X(1), X(2) ), 
                        /* orientation   */ WoRB::Quaternion   ( Q(0), Q(1), Q(2), Q(3) ),
                        /* velocity      */ WoRB::SpatialVector( V(0), V(1), V(2) ), 
                        /* ang. velocity */ WoRB::SpatialVector( W(0), W(1), W(2) ),
                        /* half-extent   */ WoRB::SpatialVector( R(0), R(1), R(2) ), 
                        /* mass          */ M(0)
                else if ( geometry == "sphere" )
                    R.VerifyDims( 1, 1,
                        "Half-extent i.e. radius of a sphere must be a scalar" );

                    obj = new WoRB::Ball(
                        /* position      */ WoRB::SpatialVector( X(0), X(1), X(2) ), 
                        /* orientation   */ WoRB::Quaternion   ( Q(0), Q(1), Q(2), Q(3) ),
                        /* velocity      */ WoRB::SpatialVector( V(0), V(1), V(2) ), 
                        /* ang. velocity */ WoRB::SpatialVector( W(0), W(1), W(2) ),
                        /* radius        */ R(0), 
                        /* mass          */ M(0)
                else {
                    WoRB::SevereError( "WoRB:Init:invarg", 
                        "Invalid body(%u) type '%s'; "
                        "allowed types are 'cuboid' or 'sphere'.",
                        i, (const char*)geometry );

                // Optional trajectory flag
                obj->ShowTrajectory = showTrajectory;
                obj->GetBody().SetCanBeDeactivated( canBeDeactivated );
                if ( ! isActive ) {
                    obj->GetBody().Deactivate ();

                // Optional active color
                if ( cActive.IsSize( 1, 4 ) ) {
                    obj->ActiveColor = WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::Colorf( 
                        cActive(0), cActive(1), cActive(2), cActive(3)

                // Optional inactive color
                if ( cInactive.IsSize( 1, 4 ) ) {
                    obj->InactiveColor = WoRB::GLUT_Renderer::Colorf( 
                        cInactive(0), cInactive(1), cInactive(2), cInactive(3)

                // Add objects to the list
                Objects.push_back( obj );
                worb.Add( obj->GetGeometry () );

            // Initialize ODE (calculate derived quantities for recently added objects)
            worb.InitializeODE ();

            // Clear test-suite configuration request since we've configured test-bed.
            TestSuite = -1;

        // Report parameters and bodies that we have so far.
        if ( dumpInitialState )
            Dump (); 
            WoRB::Printf( "\n" );

Field Documentation

Holds the results returned to MATLAB.

Definition at line 26 of file mexFunction.cpp.

Referenced by CreateResultMatrix(), GetResult(), OnProcessData(), and Parse().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: